Co-Edited by Kenneth N. Anchor, Ph.D., ABPP
and Thomas C. Felicetti, Ph.D., ABDA
Topics Include:
* Life Care Planning: The Interdisciplinary Team Approach
* Disability and Classroom Inclusion
* Attitudes Toward People with Disabilities
* Urologic Problems Relating to Disabilities
* The Role of the Respiratory Care Practitioner in Disability Analysis
* Transdisciplinary Evaluation of Chronic Pain: The Health Psychology Perspective
* Evaluation of Soft Tissue Injury
* Uses and Misuses of Psychopharmacology: What Every Disability Analyst Should Know
* Functional Capacities Assessment
* Orthotics and Prosthetics: A Team Approach to Functional Independence
* Extremity Joint Mobilization: Concepts of Assessment and Treatment
* Osteopathic Medicine and the Role of Manipulation in the Treatment of Chronic Pain
* The Disabling Impulse to Set Fires
* Seeking Legitimacy: The Pilgrimage of Those Claiming to Have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
* Communication Disorders: A Profession in Evolution
* Clinical Evaluation: From Validation to Practice
* On the Complexities of Shopping: The Story of Interdisciplinary Team Rehabilitation
* Interdisciplinary Team Process: A Model Used in a Residential Facility for Traumatically Brain Injured
* The Neuropsychological Sequelae and Assessment of Head Trauma
* Cognitive Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury
* The Further Education and Credentialing of the Disability Analyst
Kenneth N. Anchor, PhD, Dan Bagwell, RN, Jeffrey T. Barth, PhD, Matthew W. Bowen, PhD, Donna K. Broshek, PhD, Tracey Brown, PT, Elaine L. Bukowski, PhD, Chetwyn C.H. Chan, PhD, Howard H. Covitz, PhD, Robert Diamond, PhD, Allan O. Diefendorf, PhD, Tom Felicetti, PhD, Linda Ference, MA, H. Hugh Floyd, PhD, Karen L. Gold, PsyD, T. Walter Harrell, PhD, Larry J. Kopelman, PhT, Renee Kusner, BA, Tatia M.C. Lee, PhD, Ralph G. Leverett, PhD, Jonathan J. Lipman, PhD, Josephine Maimone, PT, Robert Male, PhD, Tom Malinowski, BA, Phyllis Marks, MEd, Gregory W. Nevens, EdD, Louise Pate, MS, Don Rhodes, MA, Bethany Rouland, PT, Heidi J. Rubin, MS, Loreen Scott, BA, Randy Scott, BA, Robert A.
Seegmiller, PhD, Gabriel Sella, MD, Donald F. Stanton, DO, Carol A. Straiton, BS, William B. Turner, BS, Paul T. Webber, CO, J. Michael Wieting, DO, Alex C. Willingham, MD, Marie Wilson, RN |
Edited by Kenneth N. Anchor, Ph.D., ABPP
Topics Include:
* The Disability Revolution: Emerging Career Track for the 21st Century
* The Education of a Disability Analyst
* Pain and Disability
* A Legal Perspective on the Social Security Disability Programs
* Catastrophic Injury: A Model of Disability Analysis, Treatment Planning, and Case Management
* Diabetes as a Disability
* Chronic Renal Failure: Analysis of Disability and Rehabilitation
* Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse Among the Disabled
* Psychosocial Issues in Burn Injury Rehabilitation
* Aging and Disability
* Nursing Perspectives on Disability and Rehabilitation
* Environmental Neurobehavioral Toxicology
* Nonverbal Learning Disorder
* Evaluating Economic Losses in Personal Injuries
* Back Injury Disability Management
* The National Directory of Disability Analysts
Kenneth N. Anchor, PhD, Rose Bianchi, DNSc, RN, CS, Ronald T. Brown, MD, William H. Burke, PhD, Phyllis M. Connolly, PhD, RN, Kim N. Dietrich, PhD, William F. Doverspike, PhD, Mark A. Doyne, MD, Lewis M. Etcoff, PhD, David A. Ettinger, JD, Thomas Felicetti, PhD, Melissa Freizinger, MA, Peter B. Griffin, PhD, Diana W. Guthrie, PhD, Lee Ann Hoff, PhD, RN, Robert N. Jamison, PhD, Karen M. Kampfer, MA, Stanley Lee, MD, Joseph Magaddino, PhD, Ann Marie Pagliaro, PhD, Louis A. Pagliaro, PhD, Victoria K. Palmer-Erbs, PhD, RN, CS, Roger L. Patterson, PhD, Mary R. Saunders, BA, Howard G. Shertzer, PhD, Kenneth J. Tarnowski, PhD, David L. Weatherford, PhD. |
Edited by Kenneth N. Anchor, Ph.D., ABPP , James E. Shmerling, DHA and
Jessica M. Anchor, M.D.
Topics Include:
* Assessment Methodologies
* Building A Reliable Interdisciplinary Assessment Framework
* A Health Care Executive’s Perspective on Catastrophic Injury (CI)
* Supporting Families Experiencing CI and Traumatic Injury: A Family Systems
* A Bioethicist’s Perspective on CI
* A Prosthetist–Orthotist ‘s Perspective on CI
* A Psychiatrist ‘s Perspective on CI
* Emerging Forensic, Economic and Life Care Planning Methodologies
* An Attorney’s Perspective on CI: Catastrophic Damages and the Tort
* The Economist and Disability Analyst Team for CI
* A Life Care Planner and Economist’s Perspective on CI: Developing and Valuing a
Life Care Plan for Litigation
* Life Care Planning: A Methodology for Catastrophic Disability Analysis
* A Settlement Specialist’s Financial Perspective on CI
* Estimating Economic Damages Resulting from Lost Earning Capacity
* Behavioral Cybernetic and Microeconomic/Ergonomic Survival Adaptations in People Who
Have “Suffered” Catastrophic Disabilities
* A Nurse Case Manager’s Perspective on CI: Case Management – The Benefits and
* A Disability Management Specialist’s Perspective on Life Care Planning in CI
* Clinical Applications
* A Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Perspective on CI
* Psychological Aspects of Catastrophic Pediatric Injury: Considerations in Traumatic
Burn and Head Injuries
* The Addictionologist’s Perspective on CI
* A Clinical Neuropsychology Perspective on CI: Case Studies in Acquired Brain
Injury with Frontal Lobe Dysfunction
* A Language Pathologist’s Perspective on CI
* A Health Psychologist’s Perspective on Disability and Permanent Impairment Ratings of CI
Integrating Chronic Pain and Emotional Sequelae
* An Occupational and Physical Therapy Perspective on CI
* A Toxicological Perspective on CI: Environmental Arsensic
* A Trauma Surgeon’s Perspective on CI
* A Special Educator’s Perspective on CI
* A Communication Disorders Perspective on CI
* A Chiropractic Perspective on CI
* An Alternative Health Care Provider/Chiropractor’s Perspective on CI
* A Clinical Psychologist’s Perspective on Assessing Catastrophic Psychological
Kenneth N. Anchor, Ph.D., Jessica M. Anchor, M.D., Ellyn Lucas Arwood, Ed.D., Jeffrey Barth, Ph.D., Dr. Michael Brookshire, Penelope Caragonne, Ph.D., Marie*Claude Rigaud, M.D., Martin Croce, M.D., Walter S. Davis, Jr., M.D., Paul Deutsch, Ph.D., Dr. Shawn Gale, Dr. Geoffrey Gerow, Mary Glidden, RN, Tabitha Hornsby, O.T., Cathy Ingrebrigtsen, Ph.D., Dr. Susan Jacob, Mary Pat Corrigan Jobes, P.T., Dr. Stan Jung, Bruno Kappes, Ph.D., Ralph Leverett, Ph.D., Samuel Leib, J.D., Dr. Robert Lessne, Mr. Brian Loper, Robert Male, Ph.D., Gilbert Mathis, Ph.D., Larry Morton, CPO, Dr. Greg Nevens, Daniel Nebert, M.D., Louis Pagliaro, Ph.D., Anne Pagliaro, MSN, Randall Phillips, LMFT, Tom Prewitt, Jr., Esq, Christine Reid, Ph.D., Susan Simonian, Ph.D., James Shmerling, DHA, Howard Shertzer, Ph.D., David Sniezek, M.D. and Kenneth Tarnowski, Ph.D. |