ABDA Application Packet - To submit an application please download,
fill out the pdf form enclosed, and email it to [email protected].
- A complete set of application materials must be submitted (including professional resumé, work sample, and the names and addresses of at least three professional references). The Board reserves the right to request additional information.
- A fee of $375 (issue payment to ABDA) must accompany application. If for any reason application is not approved $360 will be refunded. Written examination is not required of those who complete application within ninety days. Subsequently, an examination may be required at the Board’s discretion. A one time lifetime fee of $980 is an option that exempts one from all future annual renewal fees.
Those approved will receive the following:
A. A registered and numbered certificate and pin attesting to the individual’s national board certification status.
B. Reduced fees for all conferences and continuing education programs sponsored by ABDA and its affiliates conducted in the U.S. and elsewhere.
C. Free listing in each volume of the widely distributed ABDA National Directory of Disability Analysts which includes e-mail addresses.
D. Free mailings of ABDA and access to publications at a member discount.
E. Permission to use disability assessment forms and techniques developed specifically for ABDA members.
F. Persons nominated for board certification by current ABDA members will be given special consideration.
G. Eligibility to serve as a supervisor/member for future applicants.
ABDA certifies persons at two levels:
- Disability Analyst and Fellow: Eligibility required—A degree in an appropriate field and at least four years of
professional experience.
- Senior Disability Analyst and Diplomate: Eligibility required —A degree in an appropriate field and at least nine years of professional experience.
1. By joining at this time, you may identify yourself as a charter member.
2. Members are eligible to receive an appointment as a faculty member of the American College of Disability Analysts if they make presentations regularly at an ABDA sponsored educational event in the U.S. or elsewhere.
3. Attendance at ABDA meetings qualify one to receive continuing education unit certificates from both ABDA and the American Board of Medical Psychotherapists and Psychodiagnosticians (ABMPP) at no additional cost.
4. Members receive all ABDA publications at no cost, listing in the ABDA National Directory at no cost, and an opportunity to publish your work and/or announcements in ABDA publications at no cost. An annual renewal fee (currently $80) is required.
5. Upon receiving board certification, ABDA will send letters announcing the event to newspapers, hospitals, agencies or othersources designated by the recipient (at no cost).
6. Our Program and Planning Committee recognizes how hard professionals in our field work and will be making arrangements to hold meetings in some unusual and very appealing locations including Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia, and Africa as well as
resort locations in the U.S. Such events provide opportunity for quality time with colleagues and family away from the customary distractions which occasionally detract from conventional meetings.7. In the future, we plan to designate at least one Scholar-In-Residence available to members as a resource for excellence.
8. Members will qualify for reduced registration fees for ABDA sponsored events (as will any of your guests).
9. ABDA will grant co-sponsorship of workshops led by members and provide CEU certificates to those who attend at cost (currently $4.00 per registrant).
10. ABDA has a close working relationship with several academic institutions and will assist those interested and qualified in pursuing further study and/or adjunct faculty status.
11. ABDA will assist those interested in establishing a computer network of shared professional interests and will grant permission at no cost for ABDA members to use assessment forms specifically designed and developed for evaluation of the disabled.
12. In addition to enjoying all of the benefits of membership in this organization, you may avail yourself of advantages of membership of the American Board of Medical Psychotherapists and Psychodiagnosticians (ABMPP).
13. Once membership objectives have been met priority will be given to those new applicants nominated or supervised by current members in good standing.
14. ABDA Central Office will serve as a referral source for inquiries received in all geographical locations. Special training workshops are offered to help members expand their skills and professional practice (e.g., forensic consulting) Persons with background and experience in teaching, research or supervision may also be eligible for appointment to the American College of Disability Analysts and to serve as Faculty at ABDA conferences. To retain faculty status once conferred, one will be expected to be a presenter regularly at an ABDA conference scheduled for the U.S. or elsewhere and to maintain a record of scholarly